Breast Cancer Symptoms

Breast Cancer Symptoms - Breast cancer is a malignant tumor that develops in the breast tissue (although there may be tumors in the supporting tissues, but are not true breast cancers). If the tumor is contained in the lobes and ducts, is called "in situ" or invasive. If, however, the tumor cells come out of the ducts and lobules, the tumor will become invasive in nature. Cancer is higher incidence in women and also the highest mortality from this cause.

Breast Cancer Symptoms

In the early stages of breast cancer, women do not experience any symptoms or apparent discomfort. So many of these diseases that are diagnosed now are performed on women attending routine gynecologic controls, or in prevention of breast cancer that has both the public health system as in the private and social work.

In some cases the first symptom is the appearance of a breast lump. The first thing to consider is that not all lumps or nodules that appear in the breast is a breast cancer. The woman notices the groom, shower, or placed any article of clothing rubbing against the bulge. Sometimes, women can observe a characteristic change in the skin of the breast area, with depressions or wrinkles, which changes its appearance over time.

In advanced cases, the affected skin area, you can purchase the typical appearance, called "orange peel". Sometimes this area or even the entire breast, may appear swollen, red, or even bigger. You can also see changes in the appearance of the nipple: to be introduced into the breast, to erode or flaking. Sometimes the appearance of the nipple is normal and what is produced are pathological mammary secretion, milky, watery or bloody. A warning sign that worsens the prognosis of breast cancer is the appearance of nodes in the armpit, usually the affected breast, perfectly manifest as palpable lumps, and corresponds to the enlarged lymph node that causes this type of pathology.

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